Are my children spoiled?

Both my husband and I are blessed to be able to work from home. We get to see and spend every moment with our children. Neither of us have had to miss a single first step, miss their first words or honestly miss any school activities.

That being said, does this wonderful arrangement, that works so well for our family, spoil our children?

Why in the world would I say this? Well just because of our day to day and the remarks, my daughter specifically, makes. She is sooooo use to us being around all the time, doing whatever (using that word loosely) we want/when we want, that when we say no or not today to one of her requests,  she responds with the statements, "We never get to go anywhere!" Or just today, I made the remark of how blessed we are because we all get to be together all the time. Emma looked confused at this statement, not understanding when I explained other parents have to leave the house to go to work. From there she continues to try and guilt trip us into what she wants and honestly sometime it works. Because I haven't found that perfect balance of working from home. So yes the #momguilt gets me good sometimes. Surely I'm not alone right? But then I remember how we just spent all day playing grocery store, playing catching games, working on her sight words, etc, etc and I'm able to stand my ground.

But how can I get her to see this as something fair and not Mommy just saying no? I want these years to humble them. I want them to recognize how much Mommy and Daddy do for, and with them, without spoiling them. I know in time, they will see these differences and will appreciate them. But I want to make sure I am guiding them in the right direction to do so.

I'd love to hear how you all  react to these statements or tantrums from your children?spending time with family during family photos and working from home

spending time with family during family photos and working from homespending time with family during family photos and working from homespending time with family during family photos and working from homespending time with family during family photos and working from homespending time with family during family photos and working from home



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