Charlie's Birthday Party | des moines family photographer

We nicknamed him The Hulk. As a newborn Charlie would go from zero to a hundred in one second. We would bounce, rock and make swooshing sounds until we were ready to fall to our knees. We assumed because our first born was so perfect this was bound to happen. Everyone has a fussy one right? Then at 6 weeks of life he got sick with a high fever and we had to go ER. They took him back to do a chest X-ray to make sure nothing was going on there they said he looked all good. The only thing they could see was his healing clavicle fracture. My jaw dropped. I said WHAT and started crying. It all started to make sense. Every time we pulled his arm through his onesie, put him in his car seat or the endless nights of crying for no reason (or so we thought) was because my baby was in pain!!! There are no words to describe how I was feeling at the moment. As if that wasnt enough poor Charlie became constipated. Sometimes not pooping for 13 days!! Talk about being miserable. Yikes.Fast forward to now and he has now claimed the nickname "Cheeseball". He enters every room with his chin pointed high into the air, chubby cheeks and buck teeth leading the way.  I couldn't be happier with the boy he has grown to be. Mommy loves you very much Charlie.

Kendra Morgan PhotographyKendra Morgan PhotographyKendra Morgan PhotographyKendra Morgan PhotographyKendra Morgan PhotographyKendra Morgan PhotographyKendra Morgan PhotographyKendra Morgan PhotographyKendra Morgan PhotographyKendra Morgan PhotographyKendra Morgan PhotographyKendra Morgan PhotographyKendra Morgan PhotographyKendra Morgan PhotographyKendra Morgan PhotographyKendra Morgan PhotographyKendra Morgan PhotographyKendra Morgan PhotographyKendra Morgan PhotographyKendra Morgan PhotographyKendra Morgan PhotographyKendra Morgan PhotographyKendra Morgan PhotographyKendra Morgan PhotographyKendra Morgan PhotographyKendra Morgan PhotographyKendra Morgan PhotographyKendra Morgan PhotographyKendra Morgan PhotographyKendra Morgan PhotographyKendra Morgan PhotographyKendra Morgan Photography


Raindrops | des moines family photographer


5 years old | des moines family photographer