I love Halloween!

I have no idea why I love Halloween so much but I DO!! I think it's because when growing up my grandma use to decorate our home to the max. We'd come home from school and we would have R.I.P. signs in the front yard, ghosts hanging everywhere, pumpkins, spiders, everything you can image. The same goes for Christmas. Everything was so amazing and such a wonder to come home to.

I knew someday when I had children, I wanted to do the same for them. But as you all know, decorating for the holidays can be expensive. So little by little I get a few things each year to add to my collection, and some things I make. My favorite time to purchase holiday decor is after the holiday has past and everything goes 90% off!! I can score tons of stuff for pennies.

One of my favorite Halloween decorations I put up every year, and my children LOVE to help with, are flying bats. I thought of adding this to my decor to really add something and help distract from the fact that I didn't really have many decorations yet. I knew when the kids would walk into that room everyday they would be amazed and completely forget about the fact that this was really the only Halloween decoration we had.

This is definitely the highlight for them. Emma and Charlie would remind me daily to put the bats up. They also LOVE to show it off to all of their friends. I can't tell you how many times Emma has asked to bring a friend in to show off our living room. The best part about it, is it was FREE! I already had the black construction paper. The trick to making these bats look super cool, is cutting all different shapes and sizes and taping them going in different directions. Some pointed inward and some pointed going with the flow.


This year, make it a goal to go shopping after Halloween is over and snag the sales. I don't even look unless it says 90% off. All of these spider webs, spiders, and black cloth are from 6 years ago!! I'm pretty sure the spider webs were probably $.10!!! You can grab tons for years to come. I also like to grab costumes for next year, or costumes for dress up throughout the year. You can find sooo many great things.

Decorating for Halloween with spiders, spiderwebs, skulls, flying bats, pumpkins

Decorating for Halloween with spiders, spiderwebs, skulls, flying bats, pumpkins

Decorating for Halloween with spiders, spiderwebs, skulls, flying bats, pumpkins

Decorating for Halloween with spiders, spiderwebs, skulls, flying bats, pumpkins

Decorating for Halloween with spiders, spiderwebs, skulls, flying bats, pumpkins

Decorating for Halloween with spiders, spiderwebs, skulls, flying bats, pumpkins

Decorating for Halloween with spiders, spiderwebs, skulls, flying bats, pumpkins

Decorating for Halloween with spiders, spiderwebs, skulls, flying bats, pumpkins

Decorating for Halloween with spiders, spiderwebs, skulls, flying bats, pumpkins

Decorating for Halloween with spiders, spiderwebs, skulls, flying bats, pumpkins

Decorating for Halloween with spiders, spiderwebs, skulls, flying bats, pumpkins

Decorating for Halloween with spiders, spiderwebs, skulls, flying bats, pumpkins

Decorating for Halloween with spiders, spiderwebs, skulls, flying bats, pumpkins

Decorating for Halloween with spiders, spiderwebs, skulls, flying bats, pumpkins

Decorating for Halloween with spiders, spiderwebs, skulls, flying bats, pumpkins


Labradoodle puppies


Fall Family Portraits|West Des Moines Family Photographer