Sue Bryce is soooo inspiring!

I have mentioned before that I have recently joined the creativeLIVE group. CreativeLIVE is an amazing resource to gather a TON of information. They are soo helpful in so many different areas. I have recently purchased Marketing and Promotion with Sue Bryce and it was worth every cent. Before creativeLIVE I never even knew she existed. And I am soooo glad I do now. She was so raw, strong, intimidating, convincing and thrilling. She made me so eager to go out there and give it my all. She is totally passionate about what she does and it shows. Her work is FABULOUS! I specialize in newborns and children and probably always will but I have photographed a little fashion back when I lived in Knoxville, Tennessee for Belleza Salon and Spa. It was so much fun to work with so many talented and creative people. Sue reminded me how much fun it was to photograph something so different.

She has given me so many ideas on side projects that I would like to work on for myself. Like her 50 and fabulous! My mother is so beautiful inside and out and I would love to photograph her. Not only for me but to show her how much her beauty actually shines through. It would be so much fun.

But this has begun to get a little of topic. The topic I actually wanted to speak about was posing. While going through Sue Bryce's blog I saw this post titled Traditional Couples Portraits. And a big thing I noticed in this post was how she posed the girl next to the man. When looking at the finished product of her pictures and then the in progress pictures it amazed me how she was posing the woman to look shorter than the man. You would have never know the woman might have actually been slightly taller than the man. And that is something I struggle with! And they were such simple solutions. By having the woman make a wide stance and shoot from the waist up it instantly solved the problem without it making the woman look awkward. GENIUS! Such an easy fix.

Sue Bryce is so talented and inspiring. Thank you creativeLIVE for introducing someone so amazing.

*** Here are the pictures I am referring to! This is Sue Bryce in action


Getting your prints professionally printed


Could it get any cuter???