TushBaby is a lifesaver!

My son, Charlie had shoulder dystocia as a newborn. Which means his shoulders got stuck during delivery. The nurses had to push him out, which caused his...clavicle to break. Only we, the parents, had no idea he was injured. Typically when this happens, babies tend to favor that arm and will not move it. My baby had no problem swinging those arms around.He cried day and night. It was awful. But we just thought this must be par for the course since we had such a wonderful first child. Of course the second baby had to be difficult...We literally nicknamed him The Hulk because he would go from zero to one hundred in a split second.We basically had to hold him, what felt like 24/7. Holding Charlie constantly really put a strain on my shoulder.I'm not going to lie, I was a little worried the same thing would happen with baby #3. Until.... I came across a new product called Tush Baby! The second I saw this product, I knew it would be my saving grace.TushBaby a supportive belt with a built in seat that helps distribute baby's weight making it easier for mom and dad to hold babyTushBaby is a supportive belt with a built in seat to help parents hold their baby. The belt helps distribute the baby's weight making it easier on mom and dad!

Can I get an AMEN!!!

Fast forward and one  week later, I  had a TushBaby in my possession. But because my little guy is not here yet, I had my sister try it out on her 8 month old son and her face said it all! I literally think the first words out of her mouth were "oh, wow, this is great!"

My sister using TushBaby

TushBaby a supportive belt with a built in seat that helps distribute baby's weight making it easier for mom and dad to hold baby. Mommy using baby carrier.TushBaby a supportive belt with a built in seat that helps distribute baby's weight making it easier for mom and dad to hold baby. Mommy using baby carrier.TushBaby a supportive belt with a built in seat that helps distribute baby's weight making it easier for mom and dad to hold baby. Mommy using baby carrier.TushBaby a supportive belt with a built in seat that helps distribute baby's weight making it easier for mom and dad to hold baby. Mommy using baby carrier.TushBaby a supportive belt with a built in seat that helps distribute baby's weight making it easier for mom and dad to hold baby. Mommy using baby carrier.TushBaby a supportive belt with a built in seat that helps distribute baby's weight making it easier for mom and dad to hold baby. Mommy using baby carrier while eating Gerber puffs.TushBaby a supportive belt with a built in seat that helps distribute baby's weight making it easier for mom and dad to hold baby. Mommy using baby carrier while eating Gerber puffs.TushBaby a supportive belt with a built in seat that helps distribute baby's weight making it easier for mom and dad to hold baby. Mommy using baby carrier while eating Gerber puffs.TushBaby a supportive belt with a built in seat that helps distribute baby's weight making it easier for mom and dad to hold baby. Mommy using baby carrier.TushBaby a supportive belt with a built in seat that helps distribute baby's weight making it easier for mom and dad to hold baby. Daddy using baby carrier.TushBaby a supportive belt with a built in seat that helps distribute baby's weight making it easier for mom and dad to hold baby. Daddy using baby carrier.

I am eager to try it out when Baby Morgan gets here!Thank you so much again TushBaby for your generous gift. I will be sure to put it to good use! 


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