Fall Mini Session

This family's fall mini session was extra special for me because the last time I saw this 10 month old baby girl she was a newborn baby. She has the best eyes and chubby thighs. Please bring me all the choooonky babies! ????

Check out her newborn session here!

Her newborn session was a dream. I photographed her on her actual due date. She was born 20 days early! I normally photograph newborns within the first week after birth. I found the sweet spot is around day five.

This could be one of the best stages to photograph. Full of smiles, interested in all her fingers and toes and is always happy to see Mom and Dad.

This golden light was a dream to work with. And those beautiful sunset skies ????. Late September is such a wonderful time for family portraits. I always suggest my clients to try to get end of September especially here in Iowa. Our weather is so up and down you never know what we are going to get.

Take this fall for example. Just yesterday we had high 60s and by the end of the day it was in the 30s. ????

Be sure to book your Christmas mini session with me below.

Christmas mini sessions

Book your kiddos their Christmas mini session on Saturday November 26th. You can pick your ideal time here.


Fall Mini Session


Fall mini session