I 100% agree |Des Moines Newborn Photographer

I recently came across an article on Huffpost.com that made me want to scream, YES! The article explained how physically printing your family pictures off to hang on the walls or put in a frame at their bedside can boost your child's self-esteem.

"Displaying photos prominently in the home sends the message that our family and those in it are important to one another, and we honor the memories we have experienced," says Cathy Lander-Goldberg, a licensed clinical social worker. I couldn't agree with her more! We take pictures of our friends and family because we want to remember them and the moment we had with them. But how can we honor and remember those moments when they are floating around on the web or up in the cloud? The only time we typically see those are when we actively seek those images out, but after thousands of pictures that have been upload from your phone or desktop it can sometimes take up to an hour just to find that picture. Or worse, we give up because it took too long.

Watching the pure joy on my daughter's face as she looks through our family pictures, is priceless. We just got our family pictures back from the lab and they are A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. Getting your pictures printed is so much more than having a pretty picture on a coffee table. As licensed physiologist, David Krauss says "It helps children see themselves as a valued and important part of that family unit." I think my picture posted here shows how important our pictures are to my daughter.

Daughter looks at our printed family photos


I thought it was going to be the worst newborn session ever...|Des Moines Newborn Photographer


Not quite perfect|Des Moines Family Photographer